(305) 974-5533


Leon Anijar, MD, Spine Specialist

herniated disc pain doctor South Beach

Pain management can be an integral part of some of our day to day lives. Especially for those of us who experience chronic pain caused by a herniated disc. Leon Anijar, MD, an Interventional Pain Management Specialist, has dedicated his career to giving those who struggle with herniated disc pain a better chance at living high-quality, pain-free lives.

Dr. Anijar is now serving patients in the Aventura, South Beach, and Miami area. He utilizes the latest diagnostic technology and equipment to find the true cause(s) of your pain, and then personalizes and customizes long-term pain management plans to maximize results in both pain relief and mobility.

To learn more about available treatment options for herniated discs, please call our office or request a consultation through the online portal. 

What is a herniated disc?

The human spine has protective discs, like small pillows, which sit between the joints of your spine, to cushion and absorb the shock of your movements as you make them. Degenerative diseases, injuries, or just simply aging, can cause these to wear out and become less efficient over time. 

Herniated, bulged, slipped or ruptured discs can be extremely painful. “Discs that become herniated usually are in an early stage of degeneration. The spinal canal has limited space, which is inadequate for the spinal nerve and the displaced herniated disc fragment. Due to this displacement, the disc presses on spinal nerves, often producing pain, which may be severe,” as stated by American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS).

Each “pillow” or disc has a gel-like center. When this gel-like center is pushed through the outer exterior, the gel will start to press on near-by nerves and cause pain.

herniated disc pain doctor in south beach miami

Symptoms of a Herniated Disc

Symptoms of herniated discs can vary patient-to-patient. This can be for a number of reasons, including the size and location of the herniated disc. One of the most typical symptoms Dr. Anijar sees in his patients is pain which radiates along the nerve and into your legs or arms. This also includes:

  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Weakness

Because the herniated disc will continue to move, shift, and break down over time, it can be expected that the pain, if untreated, will only continue to worsen. Do not let symptoms of herniated disc pain debilitate you and keep you from living an active, healthy lifestyle — schedule a consultation with Dr. Anijar today.

Causes of a Herniated Disc

According to AANS, “A single excessive strain or injury may cause a herniated disc. However, disc material degenerates naturally as one ages, and the ligaments that hold it in place begin to weaken. As this degeneration progresses, a relatively minor strain or twisting movement can cause a disc to rupture.” Over time, pressure builds, and eventually is debilitating. 

It is believed that there may be a connection genetically when it comes to those who suffer with multiple herniated discs along the spine. If several members in your family have suffered with degenerative disc disease or struggled with multiple herniated discs, your chances of having similar complications is high.

Diagnosing and Treating Herniated Discs

Dr. Anijar will utilize the latest x-ray and digital imaging technologies, conveniently on-site, to confirm your diagnosis and locate the herniated disc. He will take his time to learn the ins and outs of your daily life, and how it is currently being affected by your chronic pain. 

Once your diagnosis has been confirmed, Dr. Anijar will use conservative, non-surgical therapies like epidural steroid injections to treat the disc and help you manage your pain. This therapy involves injections of anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medications directly into your spinal canal to reduce swelling and pressure on herniated discs.

Some patients could be a candidate for regenerative therapies, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell injections, which promote natural healing of tissue, bones, and muscles. 

According to Penn Medicine, “Herniated discs are initially treated with a period of rest along with pain and anti-inflammatory medications. Your health care team will likely next suggest physical therapy to help ease pain and improve your range of motion.”

 If Dr. Anijar finds you have a severely damaged spinal disc or another condition which is not treatable with conservative therapies, he may refer you to an outside party for surgery to have the compressed or ruptured disc removed. 

If you live in the Aventura, Miami, South Beach, or surrounding areas in Florida, and are currently suffering from chronic pain caused by herniated disc(s), Dr. Anijar urges you to call his office or set up a consultation through the online portal. Let this highly experienced Interventional Pain Management and Spine Specialist help you take back control of your life.  

Dr. Anijar and the SWCA team of medical professionals are ready to help you get there. 

Everyone deserves to live a high quality, pain-free life.