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Picture of Leon Anijar, MD

Leon Anijar, MD

Interventional Pain Management Specialist

Shoulder Pain: Why Suffer?

A common cause of shoulder pain is injury of the tendon of the rotator cuff, specifically the supraspinatous tendon. This will often present at pain and soreness with overhead activities such as combing one’s hair, putting on a shirt, or lifting weights overhead.

How did I injure my shoulder?

The supraspinatus muscle rests on top of the shoulder. Its tendon travels under the bone on the outside of the shoulder (the acromion). The supraspinatous tendon is the one most often injured because of its position between the bones. As the tendon becomes inflamed it can become pinched between the 2 bones and cause pain with overhead activities.

Treatment Options

Pain relief strategies include active rest, ice, and physical therapy to improve the shoulder’s range of motion. During active rest, you can and should move your shoulder. Avoid difficult activities like lifting heavy objects. You may also get relief by taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine such as ibuprofen or naproxen and, occasionally, an injection of anti-inflammatory steroids.

What exercises should I do?

All shoulder exercises should be geared towards improving and maintaining your range of motion.

  1. Stirring the Pot

Stand up and lean over so you’re facing the floor. Let your sore arm dangle straight down. Draw circles in the air with your sore arm. Start with small circles, and then draw bigger ones. Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times during the day. If you have pain, stop. You can try again later.

  1. Itsy Bitsy Spider

Stand arms length away from a wall. Stretch your arm out to the wall so that your fingertips are touching the wall. Slowly walk your fingertips up the wall moving closer to the wall as your finger move up. Your goal should be to have your arm fully extended towards the ceiling such that your shoulder is fully “up.”

  1. Arm strengthening

As your pain goes away, try adding a general upper body weight-lifting program using weight machines or free weights. Lie on your right side with your left arm at your side. With a weight in your left hand and your forearm across your tummy, raise your forearm. Keep your elbow near your side.

When should I see a doctor?

If your pain persists for more than a few weeks and conservative treatment is not helping, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

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