(305) 974-5533


Leon Anijar, MD, Specializing in Stem Cell and PRP Therapy

prp stem cell pain doctor South Beach

As a double board-certified Anesthesiologist and Interventional Pain Management Specialist, Leon Anijar M.D. has dedicated both his life and career to providing his patients with pain-free, healthier lives. One of the many ways Dr. Anijar and his medical professionals’ team provides his patients with top of the line medical care is through Stem cell and PRP therapies. 

All of Dr. Anijar’s offices utilize the latest technology and techniques to pinpoint the true root of chronic pain in each of his patients. He will take his time to learn the ins and outs of your day-to-day life and how chronic pain is currently hindering your needs. He will personally customize a treatment plan which can be tailored to you and your body. 

We urge you to set up a consultation at one of our Florida offices through the online portal or by giving us a call if you are interested in learning more about Dr. Anijar’s non-surgical approaches to reducing chronic pain. 

We provide innovative, modern medical services to those in the Aventura, South Beach, Miami, and surrounding areas. 

What is Stem Cell and PRP Therapy?

“Regenerative medicine encompasses (a) new emerging branch of medical sciences that involves the functional restoration of tissues or organs caused by severe injuries or chronic diseases. Currently, there are two contending technologies that can repair and restore the damaged tissues, namely platelet-rich plasma (PRP)- and stem cell (SC)-based therapies,” states US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health.

Stem cell and PRP injections harness the power of your body’s own natural healing ability. These cells are typically obtained through cell therapies, regeneration by biologically active molecules, or transplantation of in vitro grown organs and tissues. 

These therapies can be extremely helpful in repairing damaged bone, nerve, and muscle tissue. As the new tissue develops, it replaces tissue damaged by injuries or other degenerative conditions.

Schedule a consultation at one of our Florida offices to see if you are an eligible candidate for Stem cell or PRP therapies with Dr. Anijar.

regenerative medicine south beach

How Can Stem Cell and PRP Therapies Help You?

Injections of PRP and stem cells are made of substances harvested from your blood and body, limiting the risk of possible infections or complications. The cells injected regenerate and will heal the body naturally, from the inside out.

PRP or stem cell injections can be used to treat various conditions, such as (but not limited to) :

  • Arthritis
  • Sciatica
  • Neuropathy
  • Herniated discs
  • Injuries
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Other age-related changes in the body
  • Neurological conditions

Stem cell and PRP therapies both have certain advantages. However, when used in combination, they can complement each other to provide better treatment outcomes and shorter recovery periods than most other surgical and more invasive approaches.

Benefits of Stem Cell and PRP Therapy

There are many beneficial possibilities to those eligible for Stem Cell and PRP therapy; these include, but are not limited to:

  • Minimally invasive injections
  • Greatly reduced risk of rejection or other allergic reactions
  • Most patients experience a significant improvement in mobility
  • Reduced pain
  • Can prolong or eliminate the need for surgery
  • Reduced risk and scarring 
  • Shorter recovery times

A clinical orthopedic research study found that the method of combining stem cell and PRP therapies reduced both pain and difficulty with daily tasks in patients, and over 90% of the hips injected withstood at least two years without collapse or longer. Stem Cell Therapy is a real breakthrough in natural healthcare.

Additional Information

While there are many benefits to Stem Cell and PRP therapy, it is essential to note that healing may initially seem slow. These therapies utilize your body’s natural healing abilities and can take time to see the desired results. Dr. Anjiar believes that within 4-6 weeks of treatment, you should begin to notice a reduction in pain and begin to regain some of your mobility. 

Because PRP and stem cell therapies address damage, which ultimately causes your pain, you can expect to enjoy long-term pain relief and increased range of mobility. Dr. Anijar and his team’s goal is always to provide you a life free from pain. Regenerative medicine therapies also can reduce your dependence on medications, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of your life.

Dr. Anijar specializes in non-invasive, non-surgical therapies and medicine. Set up a consultation at one of our Florida offices through the online portal, or give us a call today, if you are struggling with your chronic pain. We are eager and happy to help you. 

As a board-certified Interventional Pain Management Specialist, he believes everyone deserves to live high-quality, active, healthy lives.